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Отзыв о поездке в библиотеку "Sharjah Public Library"

Отзыв о поездке в библиотеку "Sharjah Public Library" от Анны Якуб и учеников 7 класса Русской Международной Школы:

"On the 16 of February we, the students of Grade 7, had a trip to Sharjah Public Library.

First, the whole class would like to thank the teacher of Islamic Studies for this visit. Second, the library was very big and filled with lots of books of different genres (it was probably three times bigger than our school). Therefore, anyone could find a book that suited him or her. 

Also, the library had a copy of the first Quran. It was written without any dots. And that was really interesting for the whole class. The library had English and Arabic sections. Obviously, our class went to the English one.  I personally took a book about how to present and speak in public which was very interesting in my opinion. The library also had a kids section where computers and games were offered to children.

The library had a place for everyone no matter what age the person was. The staff was incredible too. The library was amazing. The size was unbelievable. Thank you Ms Marina, Ms Nazia and the staff of Sharjah Public Library. I hope that one day we will be able to visit it again with warm welcome and hospitality".

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