В Русской школе Дубая обучаются как дети из России, так и дети...

В Русской школе ведётся активная внеклассная работа с учениками:...

Русская школа стремится идти в ногу со временем, постоянно...

Сотрудничество с Департаментом по экологии г. Дубая -Clean Energy Business Council

25 февраля представители от Совета по экологии, ученики 10 - 11 классов, посетили завод по переработке отходов "Tadweer Waste Management LLC" под патронажем Департамента по экологии - Clean Energy Business Council.

Отзыв Федотова Владимира, члена Совета по экологии, ученика 11 класса: "Экскурсия была интересной, особенно посещение отделов расфасовки, переработки органического мусора и измельчения отходов до черных гранул".

Отзыв Масимовой Севиль Айдыновны, учителя английского языка в старших классах: "I believe such kind of trip is useful for students and public because only after seeing everything with your own eyes you start realizing the need to respect and conserve natural resources. We have to understand that we should be part of saving our environment.

Our school was invited to the Waste Treatment Facilities of Tadweer. There were five of us in the team. We were picked up from the Cambridge International School in Dubai. During the trip we were accompanied by Ms Sarah, Programs Manager for Clean Energy Business Council.

Upon arrival at the site we were offered to listen to the presentation "Tadweer Approach to Waste Management". Tadweer is the first in the UAE and Middle East in waste management solution application.

Then we proceeded to the Tadweer waste receiving area. Next we visited the sorting plant (Material Recovery Facility) where the mixed municipal solid wastes are segregated into several recyclable items (e.g. paper, carton, metallic or plastic materials, organic waste). We saw the laborers standing beside the sorting lines and separating the waste manually.

Then we were shown the compost plant which as we were told during the trip is meant for transforming organic waste into fertilizers. Finally, we were taken to the granules factory where plastic bags are converted into granules. We saw some stages of this complex process:

* Chopping and shredding plastic materials into small pieces.

* Washing of plastic materials by flotation tanks.

* Drying plastic materials by heat-drivers.

* Melting plastic materials "washed and dried" by extruders.

We should play an active role in saving our environment."


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